muddy cloud (におP)

Producer: におP (NioP)
Base Translation: Hazuki no Yume
Listen to the original: Niconico, YouTube
Genre: ballad
For more information: UtaiteDB, VocaDB

The dark and heavy clouds reflect upon the scattered pools of blue.
Another boring day will soon begin and my soul seems to sink in.

I then remembered her, that quiet girl who said she lost her shoes.
Just yesterday she managed to regain them once more.

It’s all such a pain. It’s more than I can take.
My favorite bag has also disappeared from me, too.

My smiles, my hopes, my dreams, they never seem to show reality.
Indeed, I should be praised for mastering all of these little lies.

“If you look from afar, you’ll see how beautiful the moon can be.”
At least that’s what you told me when you whispered in my ear.

ru ra ri ra ru ra ru

So I closed my eyes as the light slowly died.
I wonder if my dreams will have the chance to actually shine.
When all the tears begin to run, I’ll vanish from everyone.
So I’ll let my soul fall and drift away until it fades.

Not satisfied with my lyrics? Check out the translyrics below!

English translyrics by RO☆D
English translyrics by Glace and Annie
English translyrics (presumed) by Umber
English translyrics by Ashe
Cover by Mikutan


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